Summer Football
West Coast Rangers Summer Football is back for another year of Seven-a-side soccer at both Huapai Domain (Youth & Seniors) and Fred Taylor Park (Juniors).
This year we will be starting our summer season with our Juniors on Friday November 1st.
At Junior level we run competitons at 2 age levels - 9th/10th grade combined and 11th/12th grade combined. Teams can be boys, girls or mixed.
Youth is open for all 13th - 15th grade players and teams while Seniors are 16 years old and up, playing mixed teams with at least 2 women / girls on the field at all times and at Huapai Domain.
Key dates for the 24/25 season -
Seniors and Youth season kicks off Monday November 4th 2024
Please note: There will be a Christmas break after the game Monday 23rd December 2024 game and will be restarting on Monday January 20th 2025 and run until Monday 3rd March 2025 (round robin games). The Youth season will finish on the 3rd of February
We will be having a New & Exciting HALLERTAU FINALS NIGHT - FRIDAY 7th MARCH
Juniors season will start Friday November 1st 2024.
There will be a Christmas break after the December 20th game and we will be restarting on Friday January 17th 2025.
Entry Information
To enter please download the entry forms and rules document from the links at the bottom of this page, complete it, scan it and return via e-mail to:
- Juniors & Youth: Nic Clapson via
- Seniors: Greg Skinner via
Remember - no payment, no entry. Please ensure you have paid in full for your team before the season commences or you risk being removed from the draw.
Our senior competition is a mix of casual and novice players up to the elite, with teams graded into appropriate divisions to match their skill level.
Teams can select the grade that best fits their level,
A – COMPETITIVE – eg. Young fast whipper snappers, senior prem players
B - SENIORS – eg. Experienced / O35's with a couple of younger players
C - FUN – eg. Families, company teams, inexperienced players over the age of 16
Every level is mixed male / female with at least two females per team on the field at all times. This makes it fun for everyone and allows more people to come down a get involved.
Seniors kick off at either 6pm or 7pm with games being 50mins (2x halves 25mins) and a short break for half time and a breather.
Senior team Fees for the 2024-2025 season are $500 per team. (Unfortunately a small increase on last year's)
Our youth competition is run similar to our senior comp. We aim to keep all players involved in the game over the summer period to keep them developing and growing as footballers.
We have various divisions to suit all teams and players,
13th / 14th Grade Girls
16th Grade Girls
13th / 14th Grade Boys
15th / 16th Grade Boys
All youth games kick off at 5pm and run the same 50mins like the seniors.
Timings are run by a hooter to makes things easier and teams are responsible for setting up or packing down their fields depending on the time to help out the club.
The kitchen and bar will be open for all teams on the Monday night so everyone can enjoy some hot food a cold beverage before or after their game.
Youth team Fees for the 2024-2025 season are $350 per team.
Summer Football for juniors is different from winter league football in many ways.
The main one is you do not have to belong to a club, or have even played the game before to get involved. Summer Football is all about having a fun kick around with your friends. You organise you own team of school friends, mates, colleges or family to play. No fuss, just great times.
Leagues are open for mixed teams of boys and girls for ages;
9-10yrs combined, 11-12yrs combined
Games for juniors are on a Friday night. All games are 50mins, 25mins each way with a short break for half time.
9-10th grade will kick off at 5:00pm with 11-12th grade kicking off at 6:00pm. This will allow 5mins for teams to leave and arrive at the field without too much fuss.
All teams are asked to help either setup or pack down their field depending on which time and field you are playing on.
Junior Fees for the 2024-2025 season will be $300 per team.
Payment of Summer Football team fees
Please note - Unlike previous years, this year each team must pay their fees in full with completed registration forms to be entered. Your team will not be entered until you have paid in full. If you have not paid you will be removed from the draw.
Fees are as follows:
- Junior $300
- Youth: $350
- Senior: $500
Please have these paid asap - As stated above a no pay, no play policy will be enforced this year, you will be removed form the draw if you have not paid.
Payment instrucitons:
Please pay for your full team fee in one single bank transfer. No split payments.
- Reference: [Your Team Name] (very important!)
- Account Number: 02-0139-0145976-00
- Account Name: West Coast Rangers Football Club
Senior Game Day Info
FIELD SET UP / PACK DOWN- 6pm Games fields 5,6,7,& 8 (Bottom Fields) will need to set their goals up at 5.45pm.
7pm Games ALL FIELDS Pack down goals , nets and flags.
You guys know the drill and if your a new team ask another team if you need any help.
As usual the bar will be open at Huapai and the kitchen should be available as well for a snack before or after your games and for looking after those hardowrking spectators.
Junior Game Day Info
9th / 10th grade teams will need to set up the fields with 11th / 12th grade teams packing everything away.
We will only be using fields 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B and 5A ( 11s/12s only) as indicated on the map. Fred Taylor Park field map is downloadable below. All the goals for use will be stored under the trees next to the carpark or against the fence for field 5 and the nets will be located by the seats on field 3 in Red or Blue lid wheelie bin.
We have scheduled the games so that there is 5 mins between games, allowing for teams to leave and arrive without too much fuss so teams can finish and start on time. All game timing is done on the hooter and only the hooter. Each team needs to provide a referee for a half (or the whole game thats entirely up to you ) but this is just to support the players and the game.
At the completion of every game a team manager must bring up to the Gameday Manager the game result and Player of the Day award recipient. Every Friday will have prize givings for both grades and thesse will be done upstairs in the clubrooms or if its sunny outside on the grass hill leading up to the main changing rooms and club. We will have the tuck shop open for drinks, hot chips and ice blocks, and the bar will be operating for adults.