Junior Football (9 - 12 years)

Junior grade football comprises grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. After 12th grade, players move on to Youth Football.

Girls can choose to play in a girls-only team, or remain in the mixed teams.

Team Types

There are two types of teams at Junior grade:

  • Junior Social Teams - For players who wish to play football on a social level. Teams are put together based on preferred location, past team affiliation and requests to play with friends.  These teams will play grading games at the start of the season and placed in an appropriate level of competition.  Junior players can still attend the acadmey but play in 'social' teams if they also complete our Skills Centre Programme.  
  • Junior Academy Teams - For players that wish to train and play two or three times a week with a dedicated professional coach.  Players will need to attend pre-season training sessions to be invited to play in an Academy team.  There is an extra academy fee in addition to the club registration fee. Click here for more information on the academy programme.

Season Dates

The 2025 season will start on Saturday 5th April and will finish in early September to coincide with school terms two and three.

Game Times

Junior Grade teams play on Saturday mornings and participate in inter-club fixtures, in both home and away matches.  Generally games are between 10am and 12 noon, though this may vary week-to-week depending on location and field availability.

Game Locations

West Coast Rangers have two locations to play at:  Fred Taylor Park and Huapai Domain.  Click here for address and field maps.

You will be able to specify your preferred location when you register online.


The cost to register for Junior Football is $195.00.

Club Uniform

Each player needs to have their own club shirt, shorts and socks, as well as boots and shinpads.  You can buy these online from the WCR Gear Shop

Further Information

Download a full information pack containing everything you need to know as a parent or caregiver.

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