Little Guardians

Little guardians is our mid-week training opportunity for those 5 to 8 year old players (5th to 8th grade) who are too little to join our junior academy, but want to train midweek with West Coast Rangers qualified coaches.

If you have a child that wants to give football a try, or who is mad about the sport and wants to develop their footballing skills further, this is for them. 

The emphasis is on each child

  • Maximum Involvement with the Football
  • Lots of General Movement games
  • FUN!
  • We welcome boys and girls of all levels of experience. Kids will be grouped by age and experience to ensure they get the best possbile session and make new friends along the way.

Term 1 Little Guardians Details

  • Dates: February 11th - April 1st   
  • Day & Time: Tuesdays, 4.00 - 4.45pm
  • Location: Fred Taylor Park
  • Cost: $95 per term 

Click here to register

Come & join our community at West Coast Rangers. We are #GuardiansoftheWest